ENOC 2018 report on Child Mental Health presented to French President Emmanuel Macron
December 14, 2018
20 November 2018
On the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day 2018 on 20 November, Ms. Geneviève Avenard, ENOC Chair and Défenseure des Enfants and Mr. Jacques Toubon, Défenseur des Droits, France jointly met French President, Mr. Emmanuel Macron, to present their annual report on Early Childhood (0-6): from the outset of rights and to discuss the main difficulties and challenges that still remain to be overcome in order to secure respect of the rights of the child in France. On the same occasion, the ENOC Chair handed over to President Macron the ENOC 2018 comparative report on Child Mental Health in Europe and briefly presented its findings and the situation in France as compared to the other 24 European countries that have contributed to the report.
As a follow up, Ms. Geneviève Avenard has been interviewed by the International Journal of Medicine (JIM), French branch, to speak about the future of the child psychiatry in France and to compare the situation with other countries in Europe. She has also been invited to share her own views and analysis of the general situation of child mental health in Europe and to reconfirm what she has already stated in previous interviews that the findings of the report confirm a ‘state of disaster’ of this branch of the medicine the work of which is largely underestimated and unresourced.