Organisational Structure

ENOC has a General Assembly, a Bureau, and a Secretariat (see Articles 11, 12 and 13 of the New Statutes).


General Assembly

The General Assembly consists of all full members. Associate members can assist but cannot vote. While members are in fact the independent institutions for children, they are represented within ENOC by the person who holds the mandate or its delegated representative. Should a delegated representative attend on behalf of the mandate-holder, the mandate-holder should inform the Bureau in writing in advance and confirm the decision-making powers of the delegated representative.

Both the General Assembly and the Bureau have decision-making powers within ENOC.



ENOC 28th Annual Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2024


The Bureau consists of seven persons, the past and current Chairperson, the Chairperson-elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer of the Network and two ordinary members.

The Chairperson-elect, Secretary, Treasurer of ENOC and two ordinary members are elected by the General Assembly during its annual general meeting. The Chairperson-elect is elected for a non-renewable one-year term and begins his/her functions at the beginning of the following annual general meeting of the General Assembly. The Secretary and Treasurer are elected for a one-year term and may be re-elected for a maximum of two further consecutive terms (three years in all). They take up their post immediately following election.

Current ENOC Bureau Composition


The current Chairperson:



The past Chairperson:

Caroline VRIJENS


The Secretariat works in close collaboration with the Bureau to ensure the effective coordination and development of the activities of the network and the strengthening of its core administration.

It coordinates the efforts of ENOC’s members to contribute to policy development and to link with the European Union, other European and international institutions or NGOs operating in the children’s rights field.

Please note that the ENOC Secretariat does not handle individual national and/or cross-border complaints. For such matters, you can contact the relevant ENOC member(s).

  • Polina Atanasova – Principal Coordinator
  • Clara Bataller - Assistant Coordinator