ENOC calls on the United Nations to mainstream children’s rights across all UN agencies, sectors and actions
November 18, 2021

ENOC joins forces with Child Rights Connect calling for mainstreaming of Children’s Rights in the UN system in response to children’s rights being significantly omitted from the UN Secretary General’s recent report (10 September 2021) on Our Common Agenda: Responding to Current and Future Challenges together with the SG Call for Action for Human Rights.
ENOC shares the concerns of civil society partners that there has been a failure to take a holistic approach to children’s rights at the European and UN levels to date. ENOC is working closely with the Council of Europe and the European Union to focus attention on the mainstreaming of children’s rights and urge the UN to ensure it takes a comprehensive, multi-level, cross-agency approach to doing so as it increased its focus in this area. The work of our European Network of Young Advisers has also consistently highlighted the lack of effective participation of children and young people at all levels of decision making.
While ENOC welcomes UN SG’s decision to develop a Guidance Note on child rights mainstreaming in the framework of its Call to Action for Human Rights, it is crucially important that the Guidance Note is developed with the largest possible participation of children and young people and with the meaningful involvement of a wide range of stakeholders from all sectors of society.
See the full text of the letter HERE