ENOC working Seminar “Equal opportunities for all children in education”
The ENOC working theme for 2016 is “Equal Opportunities for All Children in Education”. In this context and in order to organize first round discussions on the terms of the future ENOC statement on the issue of ‘Equal opportunities in education’ the ENOC Bureau is organizing a working seminar to be held on 7-8 June 2016 in Dublin, Ireland.
The purpose of the Seminar is to give a chance to interested ENOC members and especially to those who have extended expertise on the issue at stake to participate at these initial discussions and in the drafting process of the ENOC position statement that will be endorsed by the General Assembly in late September. Similar to previous years, it is expected that an external expert advisor, Mr. Xavier Bonal, assists ENOC members throughout the drafting and finalization stage.
The Seminar will take place at the premises of the Irish Ombudsman for Children’s Office (Millennium House, 52-56 Great Strand Street, Dublin 1, Ireland).
- See the Seminar programme