ENOC’s new visual identity
December 2, 2019

Today, ENOC is launching its new logo!
After 22 years of existence, ENOC is renewing its visual identity with a more dynamic, modern, and child-friendly logo.
Through this rebranding, our goal is to convey what ENOC stands for. The symbol of the megaphone in the hands of children reflects one of ENOC’s core objectives: giving a voice to children and making sure children and young people’s voice is heard! The image of children in the letter “O” reflects the efforts made by Ombudspersons for Children to put children at the heart of their collective work, as well as at the heart of Europe.
During the selection process, ENOC presented shortlisted logo proposals to children and young people participating in its ENYA participatory project. They discussed the different logo proposals during the ENYA Forum in Brussels and participated in the final vote, together with the General Assembly.
As a network of 42 Independent Children’s Rights Institutions working together to protect and promote the rights of children, we aimed to create a logo that puts the focus on our mission to be the voice for children and our commitment to actively involve children and young people in ENOC’s work.
Do not hesitate to share it widely!

Former Logo

New Logo