ENOC Members’ Publications
Chancellor of Justice of Estonia: Annual summary report 2014 and Annual summary report 2015 (covering the period 1 January-31 August 2015)
The two summary reports, available in English, present an overview of the Chancellor of Justice’s activities for the prevention of ill-treatment (OPCAT), for the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, the Chancellor acting as Ombudsman for Children, and for the promotion of equity, equal treatment and general proceeding statistics. In the children’s rights field, the Chancellor reported (in 2014) on the situation of children out of family care (separated from parents), on those in alternative care, and on repeated restrictions of the rights of parents in a custodial institution; the report contains conclusions on inspection visits to child care institutions and provides extensive information on child rights promotional activities such as ‘Bullying-free school and education’.
The 2015 report addresses the issues of restrictions without a legal basis of the liberty of children in rehabilitation and some new recommendations and/or follow-up of previous ones in the organisation of subsitute home and shelter services. In the child rights promotion field, the Chancellor reported on the establishment of the 1st Young Advisory Committee to the Ombudsman for Children.
Ukraine’s Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights: Annual report 2014
The Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights published a summary report in English on the observance of human rights and citizens’ rights and freedoms in Ukraine and to some extent in the autonomous republic of Crimea. The report covers a wide range of general human rights areas but also addresses the situation of children’s rights. The Commissioner reports on its activities during the mass events of November 2013-May 2014 to safeguard the rights and freedoms of children; on the state of protection of the rights of the child in connection with the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine; and on more specific children’s rights such as the right to live in a family environment, the rights to protection from violence and abuse, the rights of refugee and asylum seeking children, the rights of orphans and children deprived of parental care being in conflict with the law.
“Tackling violence against children in Europe. The way forward“, 2015 report, the Netherlands Ombudsman for Children and Augeo Foundation
In 2015, the Dutch Ombudsman for Children’s Office in collaboration with Augeo Foundation undertook a desktop research identifying four major issues regarding violence against children in Europe: lack of legal and social norms banning violent upbringing and and violence as a way of disciplining children; undetected and unreported child maltreatment; violence as a chronic condition for too many children; lack of adequate support for victims of violence.
General Delegate for Children’s Rights (French community/Belgium): Annual Report 2013-2014
The General Delegate for the Rights of the Child of the French community/Belgium released on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the CRC (20 November 2014), its annual 2013-2014 report of activities. This year, Mr. De Vos presented his annual report before 170 pupils from primary schools within Wallonia and Brussels. Pupils had the chance to discuss and interact with the General Delegate through an interactif game called “Guess my right“. Inspired by the competition “Selfie your rights” launched earlier by the General Delegate, children tried to guess a CRC right that has been illustrated by a selfie shown on a screen.
Children’s Commissioner for Wales: “Our Progress 2008-2015” report
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The outgoing Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Keith Towler, published “Our Progress 2008-2015” report. The purpose of the report is to highlight some key milestones and achievements over the last seven years, of which there are many. Contained within it are sections on Children’s Commissisoner’s team, structure, visions, goals, work and future; it should give readers a good insight into the workings of this independent children’s rights institution for children and young people in Wales.