Annual Advocacy Areas

Each year, ENOC works on a specific advocacy area affecting children’s rights.

The advocacy area is chosen by majority by all ENOC members, with the aim to:

  • aquire expertise on the chosen area;
  • share national experiences, challenges and good practices on the topic;
  • listen ENYA young people’s views on the matter at stake; and
  • draft policy recommendations on the selected area addressing European Institutions and other stakeholders.

To this end, through the year, ENOC members on one side and ENYA young people on the other, engage in seminars, studies, forums and workshops supported by experts and facilitated by ENOC.

The outcome of each working year is represented by a Synthesis Report and a Position Paper. The Synthesis Report maps the situation regarding the selected children’s rights area within the members of the networok and collects feedback and contributions from ENOC members. The Position Papers, informed by the synthesis report, highlights ENOC’s position on the selected annual adovacy area. Check our Annual Advocacy areas below.

Other themes:

  • 2012 Children in conflict with the law (EN) (HU)
  • 2009 The 20th anniversary of the UNCRC and the best interests of the child (EN) (FR)
  • 2008 The EU return Directive (EN)
  • 2007 Children with disabilities and violence against children (EN)
  • 2006 Unaccompanied children (EN)
  • 2005 Violence in a children's right context (EN)
  • 2003 Communication with children & juvenile justice, childhood and commercial pressure (EN)
  • 2001 Corporal punishment (EN)